Home Registration School Website
for Admission in KG-I
Session 2020-21
Admission Status
Online Receipt No./Mobile No.
Registration Fee Receipt No.

Documents required at the time of admission:

  1. Online Receipt "PARENT's COPY"
  2. Demand Draft of Rs. 60,000/-in the favour of "St. Joseph Co-Ed School, Bhopal", also mention Candidate's Name, Father's Name, Online Form Number & Registration Fee Receipt No. overleaf the DD.
  3. Declaration by parents on Rs.50/- Stamp Paper and should be Notarised. [Performa enlcosed]
  4. One latest passport size photograph of the child.
  5. Copy of Birth Certificate* attested by Gazetted Officer(if not submitted at the time of registration),
    [Birth Certificate should be with complete details i.e. name along with Surname of father, mother and the child, issued by MUNICIPAL CORPORATION / GRAM PANCHAYAT] , if not submitted at the time of document verification.
    * Parents' name in Birth Certificate should be same as in their Aadhar Card & PAN Card.
  6. Caste Certificate [if applicable] (if not submitted at the time of registration),
  7. Copy of Aadhar Card of the candidate (if not submitted at the time of registration).
  8. Copy of Samagra ID (SSSMID) of the candidate (if not submitted at the time of registration).
  9. Copies of both parents' PAN Card, Aadhar Card & classes X & XII marksheets (if not submitted at the time of registration).
  10. Copy of Passport of the child and/or the Parents' [if applicable] (if not submitted at the time of registration).
  11. Letter from Parish Priest / Pastor. [Applicable to Christian / Catholic candidates] (if not submitted at the time of registration)
  12. Report Card of other child studying in this school (if not submitted at the time of registration)

Kindly Remember

  1. No concessions
  2. Strictly follow the date and time allotted for admission
  3. Admission Form should be filled as per the Birth Certificate issued by local Municipal Corporation.
  4. No CHANGES / CORRECTIONS in the entries will be accepted under any circumstances after filling / submitting ADMISSION FORM.
  5. The Archdiocesan Education Commission reserve the right for selection of students, as per the information furnished in the online registration form.
  6. The admission ceases at any stage if dissatisfied by the management without assigning any reason.
  7. All the desired original documents should be presented at the time of admissions for verification. Furnishing fake information will lead to cancellation of registration / selection of the candidate.
  8. Annual fee book will be issued to the students in the month of April.
  9. The school does not accept donations.Be careful of those known / unknown folks who pose to be mediators in the admission process, do not get misled or cheated by any such person. We do not follow any of such practices at all. Also seeking admissions through dubious means even if discovered subsequently will result in the cancellation of admission.